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Mike Campbell Receives His Chemotherapy in Brewton
Thanks to DW McMillan Outpatient DepartmentMike Campbell Receives His Chemotherapy in Brewton
Thanks to DW McMillan Outpatient Department

Mike Campbell Receives His Chemotherapy in Brewton Thanks to DW McMillan Outpatient Department

Brewton, AL – Mike Campbell has spent many hours traveling from Brewton to Birmingham for chemotherapy treatments. As gas prices, food prices and time spent started to take its toll, he pushed his doctors to allow DW McMillan to administer his treatment in Brewton.

“$40 to eat, $60 in gas. It costs at least $100 each trip to Birmingham and I was going every other week. I’ve spent a lot of money,” stated Mike Campbell, multiple myeloma cancer patient. “That’s tough when you’re on a fixed income.”

After discussing with his physician in Birmingham, Mr. Campbell pushed to have his treatments administered at his hometown hospital, D.W. McMillan Memorial Hospital. The Outpatient Department infusion staff was able to obtain the required certification so that Mr. Campbell is able to get his injections right here in Brewton.

“Mr. Campbell is such a joy to be around,” stated Krystle Hammac, DWM RN in the Outpatient Department. “Even though he has been battling this for over 10 years, he doesn’t allow it to get him down.”

Campbell was diagnosed with multiple myeloma over 11 years ago while undergoing testing by now retired Medical Center Physician, Dr. Terrell. Since that time, Mr. Campbell has been seeing Dr. Owera with the Woodlands group. Dr. Owera is one of the oncologists with the Woodlands Group that holds clinic in the Outpatient Department at D.W. McMillan.

“Talk with your doctors and your nurses,” states Campbell. “They will work with you and if possible will help to make your sure you can receive as much care as possible right here at home.”